

Automating High Performance Selling

RevOps Best Practices

Empowering the Digital Salesforce

Digital Sales is an integrated suite of applications for the entire life-cycle of selling, from initial prospecting through closing deals, known as 'RevOps'.

Revenue Operations, commonly known as RevOps, is a strategic approach that aligns sales, marketing, and customer success teams to drive revenue growth and improve overall business performance.

Collaborative Selling

Deals are won by teams, and the more effectively organizations empower cross-enterprise selling practices, the more they will win.

Proposal Automation

Automating key capabilities such as proposal responses, enables Sales to standardize high performance as a process repeatable by all the team.

Implementing a Digital Sales Strategy

Harness the Power of the Cloud

Cloud applications, such as Hubspot, offer sales teams a wide range of benefits, from automating sales processes to improving collaboration, streamlining operations, increasing productivity and ultimately driving better sales results.

Sales Model Analysis

Analyze the process flow and business model of your sales operations, and map this model to the best fit combination of application components.

Configuration and Support

Set up and tailor Cloud applications to implement your Sales Model, and provide training and ongoing implementation support.



Our Digital Sales Solution Guide offers a comprehensive overview of RevOps best practices, and vendor capabilities for implementing them.

Download our Solution Guide for a blueprint on how to build Digital Sales strategy.

PRM Capabilities



Our Directory provides a showcase of Digital Sales vendors, organized by functional capabilities.

A Digital Sales Suite is formed through a number of major capability areas:

The Everflow affiliate marketing platform is a comprehensive solution designed to help businesses and marketers optimize their affiliate marketing efforts.

| Affiliate Marketing |

The #1 co-sell management network that empowers companies to turbocharge their co-sell revenue growth.

| Co-Sell Management |

Magentrix are the portal experts. Partner relationship management (PRM) portals & customer success portals.

| Partner Portal |

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