Team Flow

Team Flow is a set of tools and practices for speeding the throughput of work across teams

With remote virtual work becoming the norm, it's essential that teams can still maintain and indeed even surpass how effectively they can collaborate to get work done.

vTeam Practices

Team collaboration models for specific scenarios and use cases, encoded as reusable templates for rapid reuse and implementation.

Workflow Applications

Cloud Applications that can be used to execute these processes, like Microsoft Teams and Google Workspace.

Solution Guide

Download the Team Flow Solution Guide.

vTeam Collaboration

Virtual teams meet via video conferencing tools, and do so as part of workflows that sees them share documents, send emails and more...

Workflow Modeling

These workflows can be charted and mapped to understand and improve their flow process.

Application Mapping

Once flow models are developed they can then be mapped on to the best suited Cloud Apps for implementation.

Workflow Blueprints



Team Flow Recipes are blueprints of different application combinations and integrations that speed up team collaboration workflows.

These are commonly achieved through plugin apps for popular tools like Microsoft Teams and Google Workspace.

These apps extend the capabilities of Google Workspace, offering additional features and customization options to suit individual needs.

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